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My Identity

These are my projects!

One of the things i have always thought about doing is making a bucket list. When this was one of the options of things I could do I jumped on the idea! My bucket list includes go to all 50 states, ride a unicorn, get a tattoo, get a 2nd piercing, go to all the continents, graduate high school with honors, throw a dart at a map and travel where it lands, jump off a cliff, get a henna tattoo, go to a drive in movie, go to the aokigahara forest, travel to europe, and go to an ivy league college. These are the most close to now goals, of course I have other things I hope to accomplish over the course of my life.

My Bucket List
My name research project.

My name research project was a easy project at first I really didn't elaborate about what my name really meant. To the right is the first copy of my name research project. This project I rushed through at first, it was neon organized and quite frankly it looked like a kindergartener made it. I am currently working in a more neat and professional project that goes into more depth about what exactly my name means and where I came from.

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